Group and concatenate DataTable with no unique identifier
I’m trying to group data in a list of objects in order to create EmailItem items to send however cannot figure out how to group and concatenate the data required. Essentially, the e-mail to be...
View ArticleC#: Group and concatenate DataTable with no unique identifier
I’m trying to group data in a list of objects in order to create EmailItem items to send however cannot figure out how to group and concatenate the data required. Essentially, the e-mail to be...
View ArticleHow can I individualize an element to a unique identifier?
I am trying to figure out a way to individualize an element to a unique identifier. What I mean by this is, for every element (Either an element that starts in the DOM or one that is created later on),...
View ArticleWhat unique means here (hashover script)?
I’m trying to implement hashover script. I followed the instructions but I am getting this error: HashOver: The variable values in /hashover/scripts/secrets.php need to be UNIQUE. What unique means?...
View ArticleFilter array of object with unique code for dynamic value
var Error-dictionary = [ { code:599, MSG:'unknown' }, { code:404, MSG:'not found' }, { code:599, MSG:'unknown' } ] I want something like this: [ { code : 599, count:2, MSG : 'unknown', code :404,...
View ArticleGroupby to Count Frequency of Unique Values in Set
I have a DF like this User Dept 1 Cook 1 Cook 1 Home 2 Sports 2 Travel 2 Cook I want to count the unique users within each department: Dept User Cook 2 Home 1 Sports 1 Travel 1 Notice how the...
View ArticleLaravel 5:Validation on update to model with relationship to user is throwing...
I was doing great so far until I ran into another problem with validation. I’m trying to update a user related table called socialLinks. The problem is every time I update, since it’s a model backed...
View ArticleMongoDB: upsert with unique index
I must say I’m not really a mongoDB expert, but this is what I’m trying to do. I have an app that would get a feed of “food” objects each time I switch on the app, this feed is received from an...
View ArticleMongoDB: upsert with unique index
I must say I’m not really a mongoDB expert, but this is what I’m trying to do. I have an app that would get a feed of “food” objects each time I switch on the app, this feed is received from an...
View ArticleHow to get unique elements from ArrayList without clone
I am trying to make a unique < Integer> ListArrayA from an another < Integer>ListArrayB which is having repeated elements. The ListArrayA and ListArrayB are separately defined. List B is...
View ArticleMaking a variable unchangeable once stored
I’m trying to create a unique numerical ID for a person. To do this I search for the most recent ID and then if one is found it +1 to the value. Once this is stored I want it to be final. The problem...
View ArticleC#, how to remove all unique objects using Linq?
Say, I have LinkedList<T1> like this: { A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J } In this list: B.param == C.param == F.param == p1 and G.param == I.param == p2, so I have to get next: { B, C, F, G, I } The...
View ArticleCreating a unique integer based on 3 different integers
I’d like to create an int called hash in Java, from the coordinates x, y and w. The values of x and y are signed and often negative. The size of an int is 32 bits. I’d like to assign 4 bits to w (or 3...
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