What unique means here (hashover script)?
I’m trying to implement hashover script. I followed the instructions but I am getting this error: HashOver: The variable values in /hashover/scripts/secrets.php need to be UNIQUE. What unique means?...
View ArticleFilter array of object with unique code for dynamic value
var Error-dictionary = [ { code:599, MSG:'unknown' }, { code:404, MSG:'not found' }, { code:599, MSG:'unknown' } ] I want something like this: [ { code : 599, count:2, MSG : 'unknown', code :404,...
View ArticleGroupby to Count Frequency of Unique Values in Set
I have a DF like this User Dept 1 Cook 1 Cook 1 Home 2 Sports 2 Travel 2 Cook I want to count the unique users within each department: Dept User Cook 2 Home 1 Sports 1 Travel 1 Notice how the...
View ArticleLaravel 5:Validation on update to model with relationship to user is throwing...
I was doing great so far until I ran into another problem with validation. I’m trying to update a user related table called socialLinks. The problem is every time I update, since it’s a model backed...
View ArticleMongoDB: upsert with unique index
I must say I’m not really a mongoDB expert, but this is what I’m trying to do. I have an app that would get a feed of “food” objects each time I switch on the app, this feed is received from an...
View ArticleMongoDB: upsert with unique index
I must say I’m not really a mongoDB expert, but this is what I’m trying to do. I have an app that would get a feed of “food” objects each time I switch on the app, this feed is received from an...
View ArticleHow to get unique elements from ArrayList without clone
I am trying to make a unique < Integer> ListArrayA from an another < Integer>ListArrayB which is having repeated elements. The ListArrayA and ListArrayB are separately defined. List B is...
View ArticleMaking a variable unchangeable once stored
I’m trying to create a unique numerical ID for a person. To do this I search for the most recent ID and then if one is found it +1 to the value. Once this is stored I want it to be final. The problem...
View ArticleC#, how to remove all unique objects using Linq?
Say, I have LinkedList<T1> like this: { A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J } In this list: B.param == C.param == F.param == p1 and G.param == I.param == p2, so I have to get next: { B, C, F, G, I } The...
View ArticleCreating a unique integer based on 3 different integers
I’d like to create an int called hash in Java, from the coordinates x, y and w. The values of x and y are signed and often negative. The size of an int is 32 bits. I’d like to assign 4 bits to w (or 3...
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